Wysing Arts Centre Artist in Residence

Babeworld are one of Wysing Art Centre's Artists in Residence for 2022/23. Babeworld will be developing a short film shot on Super8, which explores the expectations for artists who are seen as marginalised to create and collaborate in ways that are predominantly gratifying for those who benefit from these systems of marginalisation. It explores the psychological impacts of the dehumanising narratives projected downwards to marginalised artists by the hierarchies of the cultural structures of making, and the sub(conscious) strategies employed by marginalised artists to combat this - from subtle derision to a complete rejection of the realities imposed.

Unlimited Digital Takeover

"‘Shifting the Goalposts’ is a short film by Babeworld, looking at the exhausting experience of being a passive spectator of football when you’re a marginalised identity. Alongside a video essay, Shifting the Goalposts uses archival/home video footage and an original score to explore representation in football culture, and why being a disabled football fan is always something to celebrate (which is helpful for us, as supporting our football teams seems to mostly give us things to commiserate)

Alongside this video, Babeworld will be doing an Instagram takeover, consisting of graphics designed by one of Babeworlds Associate Artists about championing accessibility, and celebrating neurodivergence. They will also share a recommended reading list for those interested in exploring the themes in the film further."

Babeworld were commissioned for a Digital Takeover, 2021 for the STIGMA campaign. The takeover consisted of graphics and a short video essay.

New Contemporaries Digital Residency

"Ashleigh Williams is the current recipient of our Digital Residency. Over the next two months, she will be drawing on cartoons, live performances and song lyrics to have discussions about race, disability and class in a way that diverges from standard academia - celebrating her marginalizations as positive aspects of her identity."

Babeworld (Ashleigh Williams) was in receipt of New Contemporaries Digital Residency 2021. Consisting of a video essay, reading group, and cartoon reviews - this residency is a reserach projects into alternative modes of education and referencing. Click the link below to see more.

Deptford X How To Be Together Again Residency

"We want to explore and research what kind of support marginalised groups such as us need during times like these- where working conditions may remain the same – but the world events continue to develop. We want to explore how artists, curators and even instagram artists can implement support for these groups. Part research, part short film experiments, past continuing text, we aim to platform the voices of the underrepresented: Disabled, Trans, Black, Queer and working class voices. Also those whose jobs are affected such as Sex workers"

Babeworld (Ashleigh Williams and Gabriella Davies) were in receipt of Deptford X's How To Be Together Again Residency, 2020. Click below to see more.