Chapter 4 Trigonometric Functions

Chapter 4 Notes

4-1 - 4-2 intro notes.pdf
4-3 notes.pdf
4-3b notes.pdf
4-4 notes.pdf
4-4b notes.pdf
4-5 notes.pdf
4-5b notes.pdf
4-6 notes.pdf
4-6b notes.pdf
4-7 notes.pdf
4-7b notes.pdf
4-8 notes.pdf

Chapter 4 Review

Chapter 4-1 - 4-4 and 4-7 Review.doc
chapter 4-1 - 4-4 and 4-7 review solutions.doc
Chapter 4-5, 4-6, and 4-8 Review.doc
chapter 4-5, 4-6, and 4-8 review solutions.doc

Chapter 4 Worksheets

chapter 4 intro.doc
city population project.doc
chapter 4 review #1.doc
chapter 4 review #2.doc
chapter 4 review #3.doc
unit circle without triangles1.doc
4-6 Secant and Cosecant
4-8 Sine Regression
PreCalc Chapter 4 HW
PreCalc Chapter 4b HW