Advertise in our Playbill!

Every patron who attends a Crater Performing Arts show receives a playbill to peruse before and after the performance. Based on our average audience sizes, your ad has the potential to reach over 1,000 people per show! Often these playbills are taken home as souvenirs and shared with friends and family. Your ad will end up in hundreds of homes and seen by many. Best of all, our patrons see that you are supporting arts education in your community!

Place an ad in our playbill today by calling Davey at 541-494-6348 or email him at

Ad sizes and Prices:

  • 1/8 page ad is 2 1/8" - 1 3/4" - $30.00 per playbill - $85.00 for the year
  • 1/4 page ad is 4 1/4" x 1 3/4" - $45.00 per playbill - $125.00 for the year
  • 1/2 page ad is 4 1/4" x 3 1/2" - $60.00 per playbill - $165.00 for the year
  • Full Page ad is 4 1/4" x 7 1/2" - $75.00 per playbill - $210.00 for the year

Ad copy must be submitted in a jpeg or pdf format.

You can email Ad copy to