3rd Grade

Printable Resources

Please get with your classroom teacher for all logins and passwords.

Week 9 May 18-20, 2020

Reflection Week 9, May 18-20, 2nd-4th

Week 8 May 11-15, 2020

2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade, May 11-15

Week 7 May 4-8, 2020

Math_ Data Analysis - Google Forms (6).pdf
Data Vocabulary Cards (2).pdf
Good Citizenship Worksheet Activity (3).pdf
Reading Comprehension Week 7 (4).pdf
Internet Safty - Easy Quiz (2).pdf
Daily Oral Language Week 7 - Google Forms (3).pdf
Language_Grammar (4).pdf

Week 6 Assignments- April 27-May 1, 2020

Reading Comprehension Week 6, April 27-May 3, 2020 - Google Forms.pdf
Language Arts - Week 6- Pronouns- April 27-May3, 2020 - Google Forms.pdf
Daily Oral Language Week 6 - Google Forms.pdf
Anchor Chart Measurment&ElapsedTime.pdf
Social Studies Week 6-Bill Martin, Jr. - Google Forms.pdf
Math_ Measurement week of 4.26.20 - Google Forms.pdf
Science week of 4.26.20_ Germs inside the body - Google Forms.pdf

Week 5 Assignments- April 20-24, 2020

Adjectives Anchor Chart 1.pdf
Decoding 4-20-20.pdf
Daily Oral Language 4-20-20.pdf
Reading - Time to Wake Up 4-20-20.pdf
Science- BrainPop Transcript Teeth wk 4.20.20.pdf
Science- Quiz Teeth wk 4.20.20- Caring For Teeth.pdf
Social Studies - Now & Then 4-20-20.pdf
Anchor Chart Editing Checklist 1.pdf
Math Week of 4.20.20 Finding Area Task Cards - Google Forms.pdf

Week 4 Assignments- April 13-17, 2020

Copy of Shape Sort_ Math Week of 4.13.120 .pdf
Copy of 3rd Science_ Animals and Enviroments wk 6.13.20 (1).pdf
Language Week 4.pdf
Social Studie - Columbus.pdf

Week 3 Assignments - April 6-10, 2020

Math Multiplication Worksheet.pdf
Science - States of Matter .pdf
Social Studies - Know the State.pdf
Daily Oral Language M-F.pdf
Adjectives That Tell How Many.pdf
Reading Assignment & Questions.pdf
Cursive Handwriting.pdf

Week 2 Assignments - March 30 - April 3, 2020

Paid for Chores.pdf
DOL page 1 (1).pdf
Writing Template Week 29.pdf
Science Week 29.pdf
Play-Doh Fun.pdf
Math Week 29 .pdf
lined writing paper Week 29.pdf
Open Number Lines tool
Fraction Bars Tool
Multiplication Chart Tool

Week 1 Assignments - March 23 - 27, 2020

Shopping Trip 03-23-20.pdf
Reading Comprehension Week 03-23-30.pdf
Language Week 03-23-20.pdf
CES Resouece Information COVID-19

Mathematics Activities

  • Budget Activity- https://www.connectionsacademy.com/resources/instructographics/budget-worksheet-for-kids

  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2013/10/15/the-5-most-important-money-lessons-to-teach-your-kids/#792ca13d6826

  • Budget your MONEY; Get a piece of paper and write down a pretend budget amount, as if you had a job and got paid each week. Your pretend paycheck can not go over $200. Now make yourself out a grocery list. Include food, bathroom items, and put gas in your car.

  • Go to https://www.splashlearn.com/counting-money-games and click on your grade level to practice with money.

  • Locate a nutritional facts label on a food product. How many calories, fat, sodium and carbohydrates are in the product? Record your findings.

  • Create and review math fact flash cards

  • Create arrays from items at home such as socks, legos, rocks, etc.

  • Find 2D and 3D shapes outside and inside the home

  • Create a word problem using the nutritional facts label. Solve the word problem.

  • Notice the clock- Play a game at a certain time. Begin with easy times (7:00) and get progressively more difficult (7:30 and 7:45)

  • Bake with your child- Read the instructions on the back of the box and allow them to measure ingredients.

  • Fractions- Take anything that is a whole- a sandwich a pizza, an apple. Cut into fractions: 2/2, 4/4, 3/3, and so forth. Talk about what each fraction is. Then work to determine equal shares among a group of kids. How many pieces would each child get?

  • Math Games at home (just a few ideas)

  • Yahtzee (basic addition)

    • Connect Four (problem solving, developing strategies)

    • Puzzles (spatial awareness)

    • Card Games (have players flip cards and greatest or least number wins)

    • Monopoly (money)

    • Battleship (coordinate graphs)

  • Grocery Flyer Math

    • Rounding—round the price of each item to find an estimate of the total bill.

    • Adding and Subtracting Decimals— Add and subtract the prices of items listed in the flyer.

    • Planning—find a recipe and plan a meal. Then figure out the cost of the items.

    • Geometry—identify any 3D shapes you can find.

    • Least to Greatest – cut out coupons and order from least to greatest.

Online Resources Available

Reading Language Arts Activities

  • 25 minutes of reading

  • After reading ask the following questions. What was the story about? Who are the characters and what changes do they undergo? How do the characters interact with each other? What was the most exciting part of the story and how was it resolved or how did it end? Tell your parent, guardian, or friend about the story in a way that makes sense to them, even though they did not read the story.

  • Draw a picture of the most important idea from a tv show or story you have read and share it with someone at your home. Ask them to give you feedback from your explanation of the show or story.

  • As you read make connections to yourself, other books, or the world.

  • Write for 15 minutes

  • Write to the author or a character in the text about a part of a story you have read. Tell them what you liked about what you read.

  • Write a summary of the reading.

  • Choose the 4 most important events that happened in your book and make them into a comic strip.

  • Choose a character from the book and write an acrostic poem about them.

Online Resources Available

Science Activities

  • Observe living organisms. Identify and describe the structures and functions that help them survive in their environment.

  • Observe interactions between living and nonliving elements in an ecosystem. Record and explain the interactions between some living and nonliving elements.

  • Illustrate and compare the life cycles of tomato plants, frogs, and lady beetles.

  • Take a virtual field trip to the zoo https://kids.sandiegozoo.org/animal-cams-videos

Online Resources Available

Social Studies Activities

  • Draw a map of your community and label important landmarks. Ex: schools, businesses, etc.

  • Build a diorama of your community using legos or any other household items. Include important landmarks in your community. For example, your home schools, restaurants, businesses etc.

  • Look around your home and create a list of wants and needs. Discuss these wants and needs with your family and determine what is truly most important.

  • Think about the character traits of a good citizen. Draw a picture of yourself and list all of the character traits that make you a good citizen.

Online Resources Available