Texas Bluebonnet

Click on the book image to see book trailers for this year's nominees.

Texas Bluebonnet Award Information

The Texas Bluebonnet Award is a unique program that encourages reading for pleasure and is aimed at students in grades 3-6.

​Each year, 20 books are chosen as the “Texas Bluebonnet Award Master List” by the TBA selection committee. If students read a minimum of five books from the current master list (or have the books read aloud to them), they have the opportunity to vote for their favorite title during the month of January each year. The author of the book receiving the most votes statewide is declared the winner of the Texas Bluebonnet Award.

How Do I Participate?

When you have read one of the current nominees, bring your Bluebonnet bookmark to Mrs. Manning.  She will show you how to fill out the I READ IT form online. You will then receive a sticker on your bookmark and a Dog Tag for each Bluebonnet book you read to add to your dog tag chain.  

If you read 5 of the books you will get to participate in the voting with the rest of the students across Texas.  In February we will have a Bluebonnet Party with all those that voted to find out the Texas' chosen Bluebonnet winner.

Which Books are Nominees?

Below is the book winner for last year and above are the  nominees for this year!!  Click on the pictures to see the winner announcement and book trailers for the nominees.  Are you ready to read the newest Texas Bluebonnet Award nominees? Check them out in your library, and then click the "I READ IT" button. 

Fill out this form if you want to participate in the Texas Bluebonnet Challenge