Standardized Testing: The Debate

Standardized Testing: The Debate

March 31, 2016

Dear Neighborhood School and Earth School Communities,

When I found out that teachers and administrators are not allowed, this year to discuss opting out of the standardized tests, I immediately contacted Dyanthe and asked what Michelle Haring and I can do to present some ideas about testing and why opting out is important. We feel this “gag order” is disrespectful of the whole educational process, and all of those who are most directly involved. Read more...

Una carta sobre la educación pública y las pruebas estatales (“tests”)

Dear Families,

Our staff recognizes the inherent discomfort in discussing differences in educational values and choices. Our commitment to the children in our community continues to be our priority regardless of the testing choices of families. This year, we will have students who sit for the State Tests and they will be nurtured and supported through the process. We will also have students who opt out of State Tests and they will be nurtured and supported through alternative learning and assessments activities.

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Articles & Videos About The Testing Debate