Post date: Apr 18, 2012 1:38:6 AM

To All Ridgeleigh Community Association Members,

The Ridgeleigh Community Association's Annual Meeting will be held on May 16, 2012 at the Oakleigh Elementary School at 7:00pm. Elections for officers will be held as we review the past year and look forward to a new fiscal year.

The Board of Directors has enlisted past RCA President, Karen Fitze, to chair the Nominating Committee for our elections. This committee will encourage members of the community to run for office and administer the election. If you are interested in serving as an Officer for the RCA or would like to participate on the Nominating Committee, then please contact Karen at 410-665-1790 or via email at kfitze@thefitzegroup.com. We greatly appreciate her assistance with this year's election.

I have also presented the board with five sets of proposed by-law amendments. They are mainly updates to the standing committees that I believe will allow the Association to operate more efficiently and effectively. The amendments are grouped into sets that should be voted on together in order to serve their intended purpose and maintain cohesion throughout the document. These amendments will be voted on at the Annual Meeting before the election of officers. If a slate of these amendments are approved by a 2/3 majority vote, then those amendments will take effect immediately and the officer elections will then be held accordingly. Please click on the link below to review the proposed amendments.

Click here to view the proposed by-laws amendments

The agenda should proceed as follows:

I. Review Annual Report

II. By-law Amendments Election

III. Officer Election

Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions. I look forward to another great year for the Ridgeleigh Community!


Bill Deysher