First Grade Expectations

Classroom Behavior

Appropriate 1st grade behavior is expected at all times. Classes will be reviewing some basic rules and coming up with some on their own that we believe are reasonable for us all to follow.  We prefer to use positive reinforcement in the classroom, although if inappropriate behavior occurs, students will receive appropriate consequences such as a warning, time-out, loss of a privilege, behavior referral, call to parents, and/or meeting with the principal.  Each class has its own unique classroom management routines to help encourage and reinforce positive 1st grade behavior.

How to Dress a 1st Grader

Dress your child in comfortable clothes for active learning!  Students should be appropriately covered and logos or designs should be school appropriate.  Sandals and other shoes that slip off easily are dangerous during P.E. and outside playtime.  Open-toed shoes and any shoes with a higher heal or wedges are not allowed.  Tennis shoes are preferred and socks are highly encouraged.  Please refer to the Bay Laurel Dress Code if you have questions about clothing for school. 

Please be sure your child is wearing tied tennis shoes every PE day (no Ugg boots or slip on shoes for PE).  Thanks.

Lunch and Snacks

At 10:00 each day we have a short nutrition/recess break.  We strongly encourage healthy snacks at recess.  Children focus much better when their energy level is recharged throughout the day.  Please send a healthy snack of fruit, vegetables, granola bar, etc., with your child.  This is particularly important on Wednesdays, when students will not be having lunch at school.

Please be sure to put money on your child's lunch account, through the office, if they regularly buy lunch or in case of a forgotten lunch.  Students who regularly buy lunch should memorize their account number to enter when they purchase lunch.  If you choose to send money, please put it in an envelope or baggie clearly marked with your child's name and room number in case it gets lost.  We encourage exact change or bills no larger than $5 so that students do not have to worry about carrying change during lunch recess.

Please DO NOT send candy or soda.

Remember Bay Laurel is a "Nut-free School."  Due to the large number of students with nut allergies, NO nut/peanut food items are allowed at school.  Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all our kids safe and healthy!  If you send a snack that may resemble a nut-type product, it is helpful if you clearly label the item with what it is in case there is a question.

Class Rosters

Either your teacher or room parents will reach out to families for class roster information to be shared with the class.   Families are welcome to use the roster for out of school social events (teachers will not pass out invitations).  If a family opts to not share contact information for the roster, teachers will respect that choice, so please do not ask them for another family’s contact information if it is not included on the roster.

Lost & Found

Please make sure to have identification labels or permanent marker names on each coat, sweater, jacket and/or sweatshirt that your child wears to school.  Each year we end up giving many articles of clothing to Goodwill.

Please also label your child's lunch box.

Miscellaneous Information