

Parent Introduction

Here is an informational slideshow on GoMath!:

GoMath for Parents Slideshow

Below you can download parent letters for the beginning of each chapter of GoMath.

Math Terminology & Strategies for Success

We have been hearing that with our math curriculum, some of the terminology and strategies are much different than what has been taught in the past.  It is true that there are some changes, but we also want you, as parents, to know that the changes are helping to build the tool set that your children will have when they are working in math throughout their lives.  We related it to the students in this way:

We have lots of tools in our garage that can help us with jobs around the house or problems that arise.  Oftentimes, there is more than one tool that can be used for the job at hand.  You will choose the tool that works best for you and it might be a different tool than someone else might choose.  Even though they are different, they can both be used to accomplish the same goal.

The same is true with the math tools we are teaching the students.  Some students may connect more with one strategy over another, but the strategies will all help them arrive at the solution they need.  We are teaching all of these strategies so students are exposed to different ways to solve math problems and are able to find the tools that work best for them.

One such strategy is looking for doubles facts (5+5, 9+9) and doubles +1 or doubles -1.  Basically the doubles +/- 1 is where the two addends are just one a part (5+6, 9+8) because you can think of the doubles fact close to it and either add 1 more or subtract one less (5+5+1, 9+9-1). 

Counting on is another more traditional strategy.  We usually practice putting the greater addend in our head and counting on by the lesser addend. Right now it's focusing on quicker counting on in equations by 1, 2, or 3 (5+1, 6+2, 9+3).

We know that learning new math strategies can sometimes feel daunting at home when helping your student.  One thing that has been very noticeable in class is how well students are already articulating the strategies they are choosing to solve math problems and why they chose that strategy.  It is amazing the math conversations and connections the first graders are already making at this point in the school year!

Digital Programs for Math

Access both through Clever (click here)


We have 2 main math learning platforms in first grade.  HappyNumbers builds an individualized math dialogue and responds to students just the way teachers would: unpacking concepts step-by-step, scaffolding learning, and providing immediate feedback based on student inputs.  It covers all of the first grade math standards. 


XtraMath is a program used to increase speed and accuracy in addition and subtraction facts.  Students review missed answers and are moved on to higher levels as they show mastery of their facts. There is a paid app for this program, but in class we have simply bookmarked the website on the home screen of our iPads.  It looks and acts as an app would and does not have any ads, so we feel it is unnecessary to pay for the app.

Math Facts

One of the first grade math standards is proficiency in knowledge of math facts up to 10.  Our math curriculum places heavy emphasis on addition and subtraction concepts and gives our students several strategies to master this essential skill.  The following strategies are being taught and practiced throughout the school year:

In order to assess our students' mastery of (or memorization of) the facts as we learn them, students will be regularly practicing their math facts through XtraMath.