
Welcome to The Strength of the Tides is Hers Also project; here you will find the link to sign a pledge of respect and affirmation for women in the maritime industry, from Alaska, where our founders fishing roots are - and beyond. It is our belief that there is a strong and valuable position for women on the water and that as a nationwide fleet, we must stand up to voice our support of this position, especially during this politically tumultuous year of 2017.

Please read, consider and sign the pledge here, including your name, hometown, and, if applicable, fishing district or boating region. These records will be made public, in hopes that all the undersigned work to hold each other accountable. Please direct any questions, comments, or concerns to strengthofthetides@gmail.com Find us on instagram and facebook, celebrating all the wonderfully strong folks we come across as we pursue this project. 🌊

Image by Ran Ortner