Causal Machine Learning. Neuro-Symbolic AI. Healthcare. Human in the Loop Learning. Probabilistic Deep Models. 

I am an Assistant Professor at TU Eindhoven in the Uncertainity in Artificial Intelligence group.

Previously, I was a DEPTH research group leader on Causality And neUro-Symbolic artificial intElligence (CAUSE),  under The Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.AI) and TU Darmstadt.

I was also a Postdoctoral Researcher under Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting at TU Darmstadt in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab.

Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Texas, Dallas. My PhD thesis focused on learning effective models from noisy, heterogeneous and multi-relational healthcare data.

MS in Computer Science from Indiana University, Bloomington. (My master's thesis focused on creating novel features from galaxy images for spiral shape detection.) 

Email: devendra.dhami [at] cs.tu-darmstadt [dot] de ; Phone: +49 1523 7919 263

Research interests: Causal Machine Learning ● Neuro-Symbolic AI ML in healthcare ● Probabilistic Deep Models ● Human-in-the-loop Deep learning ● Graphical Models ● Knowledge Graphs ● Scaling in Probabilistic Logic models.

My Bachelors was completed from Sir MVIT Bangalore (@Visvesvaraya Technological University) with a gold medal and an academic excellence award. Prior to pursuing graduate studies, I have worked with Hewlett-Packard. I also write short stories as a hobby and am also an avid reader.

Professional Services

1. Electronics Publishing Editor: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)

2. Proceedings Chair: SDM 2020

3. Editorial Board: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

4. Area Chair: Neuro-Symbolic AI Workshop, NeurIPS 2024

5. PC member: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2019,2020,2021;  IJCAI 2020, 2022;  SDM 2020,2021;  AAAI 2021 (top 25%),2022; ICML 2021,2022; UAI 2021,2022;  NeurIPS 2021,2022,2023 (Top reviewer); ACM Multimedia 2021, 2022; ICMLA 2021;  ICLR 2022; AISTATS 2022; IJCAI (Demo Track) 2022, IJCAI (Survey Track) 2022, CoDS-COMADS 2020

6. Reviewer (Journal): Big Data Journal, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DAMI), Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), Machine Learning Journal (MLJ), IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, iScience: Cell Press; NeuroImage

7. Volunteer: ICDE 2020

8. REU Mentor: Mentored 2 undergraduate researchers for Indiana University's Proactive Health Informatics "Research experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program"
