Andreas Erwig



I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Applied Cryptography at Technical University of Darmstadt. My general research interest is in the design of provably secure cryptographic protocols for distributed environments, with a particular focus on the security of cryptographic wallets.

I completed my Ph.D. in 2023 under the supervision of Sebastian Faust. During my Ph.D. I was working in the broad field of applied cryptography and blockchain technologies, focusing in particular on secure wallets and off-chain protocols. My thesis is titled "Provably Secure Advanced Cryptographic Wallets" and can be accessed here.

Research Interests

I am generally interested in the design and formal analysis of cryptographic primitives and protocols that can be used within Blockchain networks. Currently, I am mainly focusing on the following topics:

In addition to the above topics, I am interested in the construction and formal security analysis of various signature schemes such as Adaptor Signatures, Blind Signatures, and post-quantum secure signature schemes.

Short Bio


Scientific Service

Program Committee Member

CT-RSA 2024

External Reviewer