Ann Arbor - Toledo Dances of Universal Peace

The Dances of Universal Peace in Toledo and Ann Arbor will be held on Zoom on First Fridays, 7-9 PM, until it is safe to practice this intimate form of meditation. Zoom dances resume Friday Nov. 5, 2021. Contact Judy Nur-un-nisa for Zoom details and to be added to our mailing list here

Samples of the dances:

August 7 dances

September 4 dances

October 2 dances

November 6 dances

December 4 dances

January 1 dances

February 5 dances

March 5 dances

International Dances of Universal Peace

These simple dances were first created by Murshid Samuel Lewis, a Sufi in San Francisco. He used sacred phrases of all of the world's faith traditions and simple folk dance movements. From the few dances he started leading in his garage, the dances have grown to over 500 certified dances. There are dance groups all over North America, in Central and South America, in Europe -- virtually all over the world. We dance locally every month in both Toledo and Ann Arbor. All are welcome to join us. You do not need a partner. Dances are taught as we dance, so there is no need for prior experience.

Information about the Dances and the Leader:

Dances of Universal Peace, will be led by Judy Lee Nur-un-nisa Trautman of the MultiFaith Council of Northwest Ohio. Judy is a certified leader (and mentor in training) of these simple dances, first created by Murshid Samuel Lewis, a Sufi in San Francisco. He used sacred phrases of all of the world’s faith traditions and simple folk dance movements. From the few dances he started leading in his garage, the dances have grown to over 500 certified dances with dance groups all over the world. Judy has led the local/regional group every first Friday of the month in Ann Arbor for over 10 years and occasionally leads the dances in Toledo.

Drake Moses Meadow is a co-leader of the Dances, originally held in Ann Arbor. Drake is a certified leader and a gifted musician.

Elizabeth Rand is being mentored by Judy Lee Nur-un-nisa Trautman to become a dance leader. Elizabeth is one of the Pastors at Monroe Street United Methodist Church in Toledo.

Munira Reed, Columbus, Ohio, is Judy's Mentor for the Dances and consults in Judy's mentoring role.

Dances of Universal Peace are appropriate for people of all ages, youngest to oldest, and accessible to people of all abilities. All are welcome. You do not need a partner and, because dances are taught as we dance, there is no need for prior experience. The beauty of it is that it is a coordinated group activity but an individual activity as well, so people can dance in their own ways.