

Distance: 8.1 miles

Elevation Gain: ~5323'

Date: 7/7/2007

Niagara Peak

I camped in Burns Gulch early Saturday morning. I got up shortly after 7 am and began hiking towards the Jones Mountain-Niagara Peak saddle with breakfast in hand at 7:30. There was a little bit of snow that was unavoidable, but an ice axe was not necessary. From the saddle I continued up Niagara Peak's northeast ridge and arrived at the summit at 8:31. I got a good view of Crown Mountain and "North Crown Mountain".

Crown Mountain & "North Crown Mountain"

Crown Mountain

I descended Niagara Peak's south ridge. This was the hardest part of the climb; steep and loose. I continued up Crown Mountain's northeast ridge and got to the summit at 9:06. I got a good view of "North Crown Mountain" from here.

"North Crown Mountain"

"North Crown Mountain"

The ridge run over to "North Crown Mountain" was easy. I got to the summit at 9:17.

Jones Mountain

I climbed back over Crown Mountain and skirted Niagara Peak on its east face. This required some third class. Then I continued up Jones Mountain's easy south ridge. I got to the summit at 10:31.

American Peak

"North Crown Mountain"-American Peak Ridge

I descended Jones Mountain's east ridge and continued up American Peak's west ridge. I climbed right by the summit confusing Handies Peak for American Peak. I didn't realize this error until I was at the Handies Peak-"American Peak" saddle at 11:47. I considered reclimbing Handies, but decided to conserve my energy for a daytrip of Arrow, Vestal, West Trinity, Trinity & East Trinity the following day. If American Basin were not so far from Burns Gulch by road, hitch hiking would be feasible. I retraced my steps and got back to American Peak at 12:02. I could see the entire ridge from "North Crown Mountain" to American Peak. I continued back to the Jones Mountain-American Peak saddle and descended the drainage to the west and arrived back at my vehicle at 1:30.