

Run 1:

From the Las Vegas Ski Area, I skinned up a prominent drainage/avalanche path, then up a northwest-facing chute to reach the Charleston Peak Trail. I followed the trail at first, but soon lost it due to snow cover. The traversing on steep snow required crampons for the remainder of the climb. I decided to take the Devils Thumb third class shortcut since I wasn’t on the trail anyway. I followed the ridge to the summit of Charleston Peak, then descended the aesthetic northeast face on variable snow; powder to corn.

Elevation: ~1742’

Run 2:

I skinned/climbed back up to the ridge then descended a cliff-ridden face requiring careful routefinding. I finally found myself on easier terrain, then back in the ski area.

Elevation: ~2428’

Total Elevation: ~4170’

Distance: 8.4 miles

Time: ~6:30

First view of Charleston Peak

Charleston Peak summit

Ascent & Descent of Charleston Peak

Lower, cliff-ridden descent
