. . . . sort of a Home Page overview of stuff . . . .


Matthew's Two Four

Matthew's One Too !

Matthew's Two

Matthew's Three Fold

Matthew's Foretold

Matthew's Five's Nine

. .. ... an eyewitness tour through the Gospel of Matthew, to a concept thoroughly rooted in faith yet paving the way far beyond anything yet imagined – the concept of marriage. As shows such as Family Guy, after The Simpsons, have established, animation clearly communicates the simple truths of complex dynamic social systems and practices and is uniquely suited to relating these truths. Indeed, since the sinking of the Lusitania, this is animation's destiny ! As shrewd as any two bit advertising executive, HESUS JOY CHRIST puts images to work establishing the divine role of marriage as put forth, as far as I can tell, in Pope John Paul II's 'Theology of the Body'.


If you are considering purchasing the book, or the ebook, consider previewing the book on Google Books at:


as well as the original writing on this website, for each animation.


This animation series, as well as all the discussion I have written, is the culmination of my experience

and considerable consideration.

It is true that seeking the divine in the world can make one a candidate for the psychiatrist's prescription, if not the psychologist's couch, yet as the name of the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario's annual art show and sale proposes: those on the edge have been "touched by fire"!

Regardless, I stand on my record, considerate of others, yet boldly proclaiming what I have found, and hoping it confirms Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body ( see link at left ).

God willing, and by his grace, I will complete HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Five's Nine soon enough to continue on for some time to come.

R David Foster, not wishing to impose more words on anybody, most importantly himself, provides this SITE for anyone who wishes clarification through explanations by means of words. Honestly, let me tell personal stories as true as I can possibly remember, which is pretty true if I bother to remember at all, and pretty verifiable if I'm bothering to remember or else it really means nothing to remember it because nobody will ever believe anything I feel worth remembering . . . whatever!

View R David Foster's profile on LinkedIn


Currently I am doing the final edit of the book HESUS JOY CHRIST - Discussion of the Animation which will be available at www.lulu.com in about a month or so.

As well, I have completed 14 plasticene heads of the 14 main characters of

HESUS JOY CHRIST - Matthew's Five's Nine and have compiled more than half of the photographs of these plasticene heads so as to be able to consistently illustrate them in drawings. I am drawing head rotations in the Drawing Bee on Monday mornings and posting them on the Matthew's Five's Nine page which can be found on the menu at the upper left of this page.

Enjoy !!


"And the discussion of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Three Fold is not worth anything to the casual observer – unless an awareness is cultivated by considering the discussion, but a thorough consideration of the animation would have the same effect of cultivating an awareness, not to mention considering life would cultivate a thorough awareness."

R David Foster, from the overview of the Discussion of Matthew's Three Fold

Currently I am writing and posting the verse by verse discussion of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Foretold which can be found on the menu at the left of this screen.

Enjoy !!

All my animation seems to be of the same intention as the late Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body !

This is somewhat by coincidence and therefore very reassuring to me.

Marriage is more sacred than you ever imagined!!

The HESUS JOY CHRIST animation, and the animation entitled HYPOTHERMIA / My Kayak Prayer, appear to be of the same intention as the late Pope's articulation of marriage and the church.

All content on this website

Copyright R David Foster 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012; 2013 . . .

with the exception of quotes from the New International Version of the Bible -- http://www.biblica.com/niv/

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™