Networking How Do I Do That?

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).



When I started with Databeet, everyone told me that I now had to attend all kinds of network meetings for clients and to meet other entrepreneurs. In the beginning I also did a few, but I noticed that this 'old school' networking did not suit me. Fun to do every now and then. But before I could panic that this networking wasn't for me, I discovered that there are more kinds of ways to network these days. And that I was already doing that. I have discovered three types.

The Self-Employed Workplace

The zzp workplace, ugly word zzp, but more about that another time. That's how I discovered that Seats2Meet is the ideal place to meet other entrepreneurs, refine my entrepreneurial ideas, find cooperation, and socialize with other entrepreneurs. Oh and don't forget the free Wi-Fi, coffee/tea, and at some lunch. Networking and working are the ideal combination and still save!

Networking At Leisure Activity

Networking during leisure activities, a whole new world opened for me. I can simply do sports, follow fun new workshops, have a drink, visit theater and all this in combination with low key networking. In Utrecht this was possible at Point2Meet, among others. Ideally, I will meet entrepreneurs who share at least the same interest with me, otherwise I will not participate in this activity. So something to start a conversation about right away. This also creates collaborations; I find customers or useful entrepreneur tips are exchanged.

X (Formerly Twitter) As A Network

But the best way of networking that I have discovered so far is in my opinion, X (formerly Twitter). And not the endless one-way traffic of messages about my product/service, but the sharing of interesting news, articles, photos, etc. Like a large part of the 'Calimero' entrepreneurs I follow on X (formerly Twitter). Sometimes very nice short conversations arise in only 140 characters, ideal and makes people creative. 

Other Ways To Network

In short, there are more roads that lead to Rome when it comes to networking. In the blog Networking with sport I talk about networking when I was studying Business Economics. Networking is also talking to other students, Neighbors and colleagues.