
Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Define A Barterdeal

A barterdeal is a two-way deal both people or organization profit from. For Databeet I sometimes use barterdeals. It is like the Dutch 'ruilhandel'. Barterdeals are done with closed wallet, no money is exchanged. I made when I returned from Australia some websites in exchange for a room. I also revised websites in exchange for hikes where I learnt how to hike smart on my own. 

I Define Voluntary Work As A Barterdeal, Because ...

Looking back at the volunteer work I did in the past. I think volunteer work is also a barterdeal. Not all barterdeals are volunteer work, but volunteer work is to me a barterdeal. Let me explain! When I was volunteering at my tennis club, I was doing their newsletter and website in exchange I perfected my WordPress skills and at my tennis club all information could be found on the website. The last one was handy when I was looking for tennis tournaments, information, etc. This is one example of how volunteer work can be seen as a barterdeal. I can think up barterdeals for all volunteer work I did in the past. I didn't see it that way when I started the volunteer work, but volunteer work is to me a barterdeal.

My Wwoof Experience In Australia Was Through A Barterdeal

Volunteering in Australia is a good way to barter for a great deal. I used Wwoof Australia and Workaway in Australia, both are volunteer organizations which offer accomodation and food in exchange for some work on the farm, lodge, market, etc.  I barter for my own room at all three the volunteer places I applied for in Australia. Two went great. I got more than food and my own room. I got to go to nearby tourist attractions and got my English leveled up. I even had the opportunity to make tourist booklets for a lodge. One volunteer experience didn't keep up with the barterdeal when I arrived at the volunteer spot. I immediately demanded to be brought to the bus station and this was granted. I didn't take this volunteer spot. Be aware sometimes barterdeals can turn sour, just walk away.

No Reason Retroprints Through A Barterdeal

Barterdeals come in every variant. Sometimes I say no and then a good year later they come up with another deal. I just moved to Nieuwegein in 2019 when I was offered the retroprint barterdeal. It sounded good because I could decorate my walls with some pictures. Earlier I also had another deal with them about business cards. The business cards where in exchange for a social media post and the retroprints for a blog. In the blog I share my experience with their service in exchange I got retroprints and business cards for free. The blog about this experience is: No reason Retroprints.

Varied Vegetarian Food Through A Barterdeal

This barterdeal was offered to me through an online community. I was offered a vegetarian recipe book in return I would make some recipes and make a blog about my experience with the recipes. The recipe book surprised me, and I still sometimes make some of the recipes. I admit I sometime combine the recipes with meat, but still. My favorite was making the naan bread. I made a lot of naan bread from this simple but delicious recipe. The barterdeal also included that I could offer the recipe book through my website and social media with 10 euro discount to my readers. This barterdeal was not only a win situation for me and the writer of the recipe book, but also for the readers of my blog.

Instagram Cooking Class Through A Barterdeal

Looking for recipes I came across the Instagram Cooking Class. It was lockdown time and lots of teaching went online. This Instagram Cooking Class was looking for people who could cook, wanted to learn more cooking techniques and promote her cooking class by cooking the recipes in the class. I was accepted and got each Monday a few recipes to try. On Sunday I got the 'boodschappenlijst'. I went shopping each week and made each week a few of the recipes. It was fun and I got a good deal: I made a blog about my experience: ‘Instagram Cooking Class’ and posted a few social media posts about my cooking experience. In return I learnt new cooking techniques. This is called a barterdeal, no money is exchanged, but a lot of value for both parties if a barterdeal is closed right. 

Board & Commitee Positions Can Also Be Seen As Barterdeals

Most Board & Committee positions are not paid. The ones that are not paid I see as barterdeals, because I share my knowledge with the organization to help them further with the big organization goal and KPIs. I benefit myself if the goals and kpi's are reached like all members. There is no money exchange because there is no loan or paid assignment. Sometimes costs as travel expenses are paid, but they can't be seen as loan or a paid assignment. In my CV (Page Career) I share a few of these board & committee positions I had in the past, like Secretary at Verloren Jaren, Focus groups, Advice groups, etc.