Protocol DAD/BYOD Protocol

Darllenwch y protocol isod ac ar ôl darllen gwasgwch y botwm ar waelod y tudalen er mwyn cytuno neu anghytuno gyda'r defnydd o ddyfais yn yr ysgol / After reading the protocol below press the button at the bottom of the page to agree or disagree with the use of devices in the school.

Bring your own Device - Dod a Dyfais (BYOD/DAD) Protocol

Mobile Technology is an accepted part of modern life and as such should be a part of School life. It offers a valuable resource for use in the classroom and provides numerous educational opportunities from photographing notes for use later to completing work on Google Classroom. As with all technology it can present risks if used inappropriately. Gwynllyw Comprehensive School embraces technology, but within the safety of an agreed usage protocol and some simple boundaries.

Throughout this protocol, the word device is used to describe any mobile phone, tablet computer, laptop, mp3 player or other device capable of communicating with either the Internet and/or taking video/photographs/sound recordings. Well-known examples of these that are likely to be owned by students include iPhones, iPads, tablets and laptop computers.

This policy covers the use of and liability for all devices within the School and School grounds and is in addition to the current ICT Acceptable User Policy.


Mae Technoleg Symudol yn rhan a dderbynniol o fywyd modern a bywyd yr Ysgol. Mae'n cynnig adnodd gwerthfawr i'w ddefnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth ac mae'n cynnig nifer o gyfleoedd addysgol o ffotograffio nodiadau i'w defnyddio yn nes ymlaen i orffen gwaith ar Google Classroom. Fel gyda phob technoleg, gall mae peryglon os caiff ei ddefnyddio'n amhriodol. Mae Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw yn croesawu technoleg, ond o fewn ffiniau protocol defnydd cytunedig.

Drwy gydol y protocol hwn, defnyddir y gair ddyfais i ddisgrifio unrhyw gyfrifiadur, ffôn, cluniadur, chwaraewr mp3 neu ddyfais arall sy'n gallu cyfathrebu gyda'r Rhyngrwyd a / neu gymryd fideo / ffotograffau / recordiadau sain. Enghreifftiau o'r rhain sy'n debygol o fod yn eiddo i fyfyrwyr yn cynnwys iPhones, iPads, tabledi a chluniaduron.

Mae'r polisi hwn yn gorchuddio'r defnydd ac atebolrwydd ar gyfer pob dyfais yn yr Ysgol ac mae arwahan i’r Polisi Defnydd Derbynniol o TGCh.

Parent/Student Agreement - Cytundeb Rhiant/Disgybl

Parents and students must agree to the contents of this BYOD protocol to show acceptance of the terms and conditions of the use of mobile electronic communication devices in school before students are permitted to use their own device.


Mae’n rhaid i bob rhiant a disgybl gytuno i gynnwys y protocol DAD a dangos eubod yn derbyn amodau defnyddio dyfeisiau o fewn yr ysgol.

Lost, stolen or damaged

Students who bring mobile technology devices into school do so entirely at their own risk, just like any other personal item. Gwynllyw Comprehensive School cannot accept any responsibility for devices that are misplaced, lost, stolen or damaged. Many devices have a location finder app and it is recommended that this feature is enabled to aid tracking wherever possible. It is also recommended that such devices are fully insured to cover loss and damage outside of the home.


Cyfrifioldeb y myfyrwyr sy'n dod â dyfeisiau technoleg symudol i'r ysgol yw gofalu amdani/amdanynt, yn union fel unrhyw eitem bersonol arall. Ni all Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw dderbyn unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am ddyfeisiau sy'n cael eu cam-drin, eu colli, eu dwyn neu eu difrodi. Mae gan lawer o ddyfeisiau ap darganfod lleoliad ac argymhellir bod y nodwedd hon yn cael ei gosod a’i defnyddio. Argymhellir hefyd bod dyfeisiau o'r fath wedi'u hyswirio'n llawn, i dalu am golled a difrod y tu allan i'r cartref.

Security and Care - Diogelwch a Gofal

Students are responsible for the proper care and use of their own device. Students are responsible for the adequate security of their device whilst in school, keeping it with them at all times when required or securing properly in their own locker. It is recommended that students do not share or lend their device to other pupils. We encourage students to protect their own devices e.g. with the use of password or PIN as appropriate. Up-to-date anti-virus software should be installed to protect both files and the network.

Devices must be brought to school fully charged; the school does not provide facilities to charge devices via a 13A socket however USB charging cables may be used in School.

Students must check their device daily to ensure it is free from defects. Any personal ICT device that has obvious Health and Safety defects must not be brought into school.


Mae myfyrwyr yn gyfrifol am ofal a defnydd priodol o'u dyfais eu hunain. Mae myfyrwyr yn gyfrifol am ddiogelwch eu dyfais tra yn yr ysgol, gan ei chadw gyda nhw bob amser pan fo angen, neu sicrhau bod y ddyfais wedi ei chloi mewn locer. Argymhellir na ddylai myfyrwyr rannu neu fenthyg eu dyfais i ddisgyblion eraill. Rydym yn annog myfyrwyr i warchod eu dyfeisiau eu hunain, e.e. gyda defnyddio cyfrinair neu PIN fel sy'n briodol. Hefyd, dylid gosod meddalwedd gwrth-firws gyfoes i amddiffyn y dyfais a'r rhwydwaith.

Dylai’r dyfeisiau ddod i’r ysgol gyda bateri llawn; nid yw'r ysgol yn darparu cyfleusterau i wefru dyfeisiau trwy soced 13A ond gellir defnyddio ceblau USB yn y cyfrifiadur.

Rhaid i fyfyrwyr wirio eu dyfais bob dydd er mwyn sicrhau ei bod yn rhydd rhag diffygion. Ni ddylid dod ag unrhyw ddyfais TGCh bersonol sydd â diffygion Iechyd a Diogelwch amlwg arni i'r ysgol.

Educational use - Defnydd Addysgiadol

Use of personal BYOD devices is at the discretion of the School and should not be seen as a right. Students’ own devices can be used in the classroom at the teacher’s discretion.


Mae defnyddio dyfeisiau DAD personol yn ôl disgresiwn yr Ysgol ac ni ddylid ei weld fel hawl. Gellir defnyddio dyfeisiau myfyrwyr eu hunain yn yr ystafell ddosbarth yn ôl disgresiwn yr athro.

Audio, Photographs and Video - Sain, Ffotograffiaeth a fideo

Students are not permitted to use their device to record audio or take photographs or video of other students or members of staff without their permission. Students should not upload such media without permission. If someone takes a picture with a mobile phone without permission, intending to harass the subject, then they may be found liable of a crime under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, sections 1 and 2. If a pupil send this (these) picture(s) over Whatsapp, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media, they can be found liable of a crime under the Malicious Communications Act 1988 and access to the internet will be revoked.


Ni chaniateir i fyfyrwyr ddefnyddio'u dyfais i gofnodi sain neu i gymryd ffotograffau neu fideo o fyfyrwyr eraill neu aelodau o staff heb eu caniatâd. Ni ddylai myfyrwyr lwytho cyfryngau o'r fath heb ganiatâd. Oes ydy rhywun yn tynnu llun gyda ffon symudol heb ganiatad, yn bwriadu aflonyddu’r person, maent yn gallu bod yn atebol o drosedd dan y Ddeddf Amddiffyn rhag Aflonyddu 1997, adrannau 1 a 2. Os yw disgybl yn anfon llun(iau) dros Whatsapp, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter neu unrhyw cyfryngau cymdeithasol eraill, maent yn gallu bod yn atebol o drosedddan y Ddeddf Cyfathrebu Maleisus 1988 a fydd unrhyw mynediad i’r we yn cael ei thynnu.

Internet Usage Policy - Polisi Defnydd Rhyngrwyd

Students are required to adhere to the school’s ICT Acceptable Use Policy and E-Safety Policy whilst on the school site. In addition students should not access any inappropriate material that may or may not already be downloaded onto their device. Members of staff have the right to access a student’s device if there is reason to believe a student is in violation of this or the above mentioned policies.


Mae'n ofynnol i fyfyrwyr gydymffurfio â Pholisi Defnydd Derbyniol TGCh yr ysgol a Pholisi E-Ddiogelwch tra ar safle'r ysgol. Yn ogystal, ni ddylai myfyrwyr geisio mynedu unrhyw ddeunydd amhriodol sydd wedi lawrlwytho eisoes ar eu dyfais neu o’r we. Mae gan aelodau staff yr hawl i gael mynediad at ddyfais myfyriwr os oes rheswm dros gredu bod myfyriwr yn mynd yn groes i hyn neu yn torri amodau’r polisïau a grybwyllwyd uchod.

Students breaching the BYOD Protocol - Myfyrwyr sy’n Torri’r Protocol

If a student breaches the BYOD Protocol or if a member of staff feels that they are likely to have breached this protocol then the student’s device will be disconnected from the school’s internet, further use will be prohibited. If the device has to be held by a Curriculum or Pastoral Leader then the student’s parent will be contacted to come into school to collect the device. Subsequent breaches of this protocol by the same student will result in the student no longer being permitted to bring in their own device into school.


Os yw myfyriwr yn torri Protocol DAD neu os yw aelod o'r staff yn teimlo ei bod yn debygol torri'r protocol hwn, yna bydd dyfais y myfyriwr yn cael ei ddatgysylltu o we'r ysgol, a gwaharddir defnydd pellach. Os bydd rhaid i’r Pennaeth Cynnydd, neu Bennaeth Adran gymryd y ddyfais i gadw, yna byddant yn cysylltu â rhiant y myfyriwr i ddod i'r ysgol i gasglu'r ddyfais. Os bydd y myfyriwr yn torri’r protocol eto ni fydd y myfyriwr bellach yn cael caniatâd i ddod â'u dyfais eu hunain i'r ysgol.

Student Acceptable Use Agreement

School Policy

Digital technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people, both within schools and outside school. These technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and stimulate awareness of context to promote effective learning. Young people should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times.

This Acceptable Use Agreement is intended to ensure:

  • That young people will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other digital technologies for educational, personal and recreational use.
  • That school systems and users are protected from accidental or deliberate misuse that could put the security of the systems and will have good access to digital technologies to enhance their learning and will, in return, expect the students / pupils to agree to be responsible users.

Acceptable Use Policy Agreement

I understand that I must use school systems in a responsible way, to ensure that there is no risk to my safety or to the safety and security of the systems and other users.

For my own personal safety:

  • I understand that the school will monitor my use of the systems, devices and digital communications.
  • I will keep my username and password safe and secure – I will not share it, nor will I try to use any other person’s username and password. I understand that I should not write down or store a password where it is possible that someone may steal it.
  • I will be aware of “stranger danger”, when I am communicating on-line.
  • I will not disclose or share personal information about myself or others when on-line (this could include names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, age, gender, educational details, financial details etc )
  • If I arrange to meet people off-line that I have communicated with on-line, I will do so in a public place and take an adult with me.
  • I will immediately report any unpleasant or inappropriate material or messages or anything that makes me feel uncomfortable when I see it on-line.

I understand that everyone has equal rights to use technology as a resource and:

  • I understand that the school systems and devices are primarily intended for educational use and that I will not use them for personal or recreational use unless I have permission.
  • I will not try (unless I have permission) to make large downloads or uploads that might take up internet capacity and prevent other users from being able to carry out their work.
  • I will not use the school systems or devices for on-line gaming, on-line gambling, internet shopping, file sharing, or video broadcasting (eg YouTube), unless I have permission of a member of staff to do so.

I will act as I expect others to act toward me:

  • I will respect others’ work and property and will not access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other user’s files, without the owner’s knowledge and permission.
  • I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others, I will not use strong, aggressive or inappropriate language and I appreciate that others may have different opinions.
  • I will not take or distribute images of anyone without their permission.

I recognise that the school has a responsibility to maintain the security and integrity of the technology it offers me and to ensure the smooth running of the school:

  • I will only use my own personal devices (mobile phones / USB devices etc) in school if I have permission.
    • I understand that, if I do use my own devices in the school, I will follow the rules set out in this agreement, in the same way as if I was using school equipment.
    • I understand that the school has the right to confiscate my device for a period of time if it is misused according to any of the rules set out in this agreement
  • I understand the risks and will not try to upload, download or access any materials which are illegal or inappropriate or may cause harm or distress to others, nor will I try to use any programmes or software that might allow me to bypass the filtering / security systems in place to prevent access to such materials.
  • I will immediately report any damage or faults involving equipment or software, however this may have happened.
  • I will not open any hyperlinks in emails or any attachments to emails, unless I know and trust the person / organisation who sent the email, or if I have any concerns about the validity of the email (due to the risk of the attachment containing viruses or other harmful programmes)
  • I will not install or attempt to install or store programmes of any type on any school device, nor will I try to alter computer settings.

When using the internet for research or recreation, I recognise that:

  • I should ensure that I have permission to use the original work of others in my own work
  • Where work is protected by copyright, I will not try to download copies (including music and videos)
  • When I am using the internet to find information, I should take care to check that the information that I access is accurate, as I understand that the work of others may not be truthful and may be a deliberate attempt to mislead me.

I understand that I am responsible for my actions, both in and out of school:

  • I understand that the school also has the right to take action against me if I am involved in incidents of inappropriate behaviour, that are covered in this agreement, when I am out of school and where they involve my membership of the school community (examples would be cyber-bullying, use of images or personal information).
  • I understand that if I fail to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy Agreement, I will be subject to disciplinary action. This may include loss of access to the school network / internet, detentions, suspensions, contact with parents and in the event of illegal activities involvement of the police.

Student / Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement Form

This form relates to the student Acceptable Use Agreement, to which it is attached.

Please complete the sections below to show that you have read, understood and agree to the rules included in the Acceptable Use Agreement. If you do not sign and return this agreement, access will not be granted to school systems.

  • I have read and understand the above and agree to follow these guidelines when:
  • I use the school systems and devices (both in and out of school)
  • I use my own devices in the school (when allowed) e.g. mobile phones, USB devices etc.
  • I use my own equipment out of the school in a way that is related to me being a member of this school eg communicating with other members of the school, accessing school email, VLE, website etc.

Ar ôl darllen y protocol gwasgwch y botwm isod i gytuno neu anghytuno gyda'r defnydd o ddefnyddio dyfais yn yr ysgol.